Gentlemen I hope you got your sleep last night

because as of 7:18 AM today I have not been able to get any sleep at all for about 12 hours almost. My body feels tired, my eyes are about half shut, and to top it all off, I have a class in less then 2 hours.
I say all this because for the longest time I think I have suffered from insomnia or general lack of sleep either because of nerves or restlessness. Even in high school I suffered with it,their were days I went to class so dead tired I could not remember what the class that day went on.
It was that bad and I'm still amazed that its still here after almost 10 long years.

I have to get some sleep when I really need it, my class schedule is a bit erratic and can be a bit scattered from time to time, but I do the best I can when I can do it. I will always be amazed by people who stay up days ahead of time and it does not bother them or affect them psycholgically or physically.

I just need some suggestions from anybody who suffers from insomnia or restlessness, even a mild case of it. this is the second time this has happened in the past week and it becoming a bit of a nuisance to me