Shooter incident at elementary school in Uvalde, Texas - 19 children and 2 adults dead

Bo Jackson helped to pay for funerals. Very nice of him. Too bad he isn't helping pay for these kids college educations instead.
ETA: Totally misread Big L's post, but leaving what I said for anyone who wants to see it anyway.
Something I have always told my kids. When someone offers help, accept it without ever worrying over the form it comes in. He cared enough to do something within his means and that's what matters most. That's more than most people will do and a good example for others. Maybe he'll inspire someone else to step in and help the kids if someone isn't already.

It looks like there are several different funds set up for the families, that at the time of the article, had already raised over $13 million. I imagine some of that will probably go to a college fund, but I'm sure any assistance is welcome.