Some important information concerning the Saints long term lease

A promise of a new stadium at least under construction in 10 years could work. It's enough time to allow the Superdome to recoup the recent expenditures and to get some financing in place for a new stadium, and far enough off to limit the political blowback.

And Jindal enjoys a much better relationship with Benson and the Saints organization than does Blanco, as shown by Blanco's negative comments about the team in 2004 and 2005, and then by the late 2004-early 2005 failed negotiations which Benson refused to reopen in the months before Katrina. Again, Benson and others in the Saints organization were early supporters of Jindal in 2003, and, as was the case with Ray Nagin, Blanco had a bad propensity to carry a grudge.

And the comment about Benson being the loyal Republican makes sense. People in the Republican party outside Louisiana see Jindal as a young star with some talking about Jindal on a national ticket in eight or even four years--if Jindal has great success as governor. The Saints leaving under Jindal's watch would tarnish greatly a GOP talent being groomed for higher office. I agree that may be a factor with Benson.