Shooter incident at elementary school in Uvalde, Texas - 19 children and 2 adults dead

During a hearing intended to examine the accountability of the firearms industry in America’s gun violence epidemic on Capitol Hill on Wednesday, executives from two gun manufacturers refused to take any responsibility for recent mass shootings carried out by gunmen using assault weapons made by their companies.

Marty Daniel, founder and CEO of Daniel Defense, which manufactured the AR-15-style rifle that was used by the 18-year-old gunman in the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, testified before the House Committee on Oversight and Reform that he was “deeply disturbed” by the massacres in Uvalde, Highland Park, Ill., and Buffalo, N.Y.

“What we saw in Uvalde, Buffalo and Highland Park was pure evil,” Daniel said in his testimony, which was given virtually. “Lately, many Americans, myself included, have witnessed an erosion of personal responsibility.”

Mass shootings, Daniel said, were “all but unheard of just a few decades ago — so what changed? Not the firearms.”

“I believe our nation’s response needs to focus not on the type of gun but on the type of persons who are likely to commit mass shootings,” he said.

Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., chair of the committee, asked Daniel if he felt any personal responsibility for manufacturing and marketing the gun used by the gunman in Uvalde..............