Self Checkout

The Bass Pro Shop needs a self checkout. The maximum two cashiers staffed ask you 5 different questions before ever ringing up your items, takes FOREVER.

Sam's Club tries to make you move all your items to an empty cart as you scan them, nullifying the time saved by doing it yourself. I refuse to remove my items, they are all sitting bar code up, ready to be scanned!
I have been done with the Sam's Club unload everything deal for a bit. I got to the point where i would point out some Sam's Club manager or whatever and tell the checkout person "Get that suit that isn't doing anything to unload and reload for for me".

I don't use a basket, I use one of giant rolling carts for business purchases so that's a lot of stuff.

Anyway, 3 words. Sam's Club App. I scan as I pick stuff up, hit pay and they scan the barcode at the door and out.

So easy!