Shooter incident at elementary school in Uvalde, Texas - 19 children and 2 adults dead

I'm saying that some Labour politicians or members were using the Labour Party's pro-Palestinian stance as a way to mask alarming or widespread anti-Semitic language, slurs, remarks or language against left-wing Jewish Labour members in the UK. Its been a worrying consistent problem that Labour's leadership, including Corbyn didn't really address or try to fight because they believed it wasnt antisemitism, but that most of these "antisemitic" claims made by ex-Labour British Jews were because their party had a critical stance towards Isreali actions.

You can be pro-Palestinian and not antisemitic, but it can also serve as a convenient mask to wear for left-wing or far-right wing types to hide or subtly promote their personal antisemitic views and not be called out as racist, or bigoted. Its more prevalent then some of its critics would like to admit it is.

Guido, antisemitism or religious anti-Judaism, is one of the worlds oldest, dangerous and most insidious diseases there is because it masked itself so cleverly, subtly, so artfully into almost every major continent, and society over the past 2,000 years, excluding Antarctica. It inflicts so many of the worse elements in a society but it also corrupts the heroic, brave, intelligent, and supposedly most honorable in society. Literally, guido, it’s of Biblical status and yes, one can find it in the Old and New Testaments, you can see stories or examples of antisemitism littered all throughout its pages.
There’s a lot of sound and fury in there
Obviously antisemitism is a millennia old problem that it’s rearing it’s ugly head again in this and other countries
Occupying and oppressing a people is also a millennia old problem

If you want to make specific antisemitic charges about those in the UK government, you are free to do so
However, muddying the pro-Palestinian waters with broad swipes of antisemitism is not helpful on either side