Actor/Actress with the Most Impeccable "Nerd" Credentials

To me, Nerd Cred isn’t if you’re in a nerd favorite movie. It’s if you’re a nerd.

Henry Cavil isn’t just a gamer and sci fi guy. He builds his own PC rigs. He’s huge into Warhammer and plays with just about anyone. When it comes to the Nerdom, Henry Cavil is one of us and we are sooooo happy to have him.

Robin Williams was also a big Warhammer fan and was known to show up at game shops around L.A. and play against regulars or even just watch other people's games. He was also big into anime and figure collecting. Even snuck in a Neon Genesis Evangelion figure cameo in "One Hour Photo."

Cavil also apparently plays Adeptus Custodes which is literally the only Warhammer army that would be acceptable for Henry Cavil to play.