Shooter incident at elementary school in Uvalde, Texas - 19 children and 2 adults dead

Come on you know very well that the Guardian despised Corbyn and went out of its way to weaponise anything that undermined his position. Despite it's supposed centre left steer it was more Anti Corbyn than the Daily Mail.

None of us can speak for others about their secret 'motives' but I can speak for me and frankly it utterly infuriates that anyone who supports the right of the Palestinian people to live unmolested independently and in peace is therefore considered a racist and an anti semite.
It is NOT and never will be a racist position to criticise Israel (which is in breach of a multitude of UN resolutions). I have condemned a host of other countries for aggression, violence, expansionism and poor human rights record but never once been called an anti-communist for criticising China or an anti Buddhist for criticsing Sri Lanka.

Jeremy Corbyn was being arrested for protesting against apartheid when most of the people in New Labour were in short pants. The fact that none of Starmer's intensely Pro Israel shadow cabinet ever bothers raising the scurge of anti-semitism now Corbyn is no longer in a position of power shows you how much they cared about it in the first place.

Not one of the 'celebrities' who used Twitter to suggest Corbyn was as dangerous as Hitler (Yes someone actually said that) posted a single word when Fascists fought street battles with protesters while making Nazi salutes in Westminster!
You either hate racism or you don't and Starmer's ludicrous prioritisation of anti-semitism over other forms of racism showed the moral abyss at the heart of his gutless leadership. Tell someone of African ancestry that getting beaten up by a gang of skinheads is less important because anti-semiticism is more of a priority. Unless all forms of racism are seen as equally repugnant then that in itself is racist because anyone supporting this nonsense is saying black people's rights are not as important.

It was anti racism and anti-colonialism that made me a Labour supporter in the first place.

The most recent report on anti-semiticism in the Labour party makes it plain that while some took it far too lightly and glossed over it (which was wrong), it was weaponised and talked up to destroy Corbyn by rivals in the party who went out of their way to ensure Labour lost. Those same people then removed every single left-wing pledge in the manifesto and are currently attacking union officials for going on strike.

As for anti-semiticism in general.....Britain resoundingly elected a PM who referred to gay people as 'bum boys in tank tops.' Muslim women as 'pillarboxes', conspired with a friend to get a journalist beaten up; and trashed restaurants for fun, showering waiters in pound notes to pay for it because he could afford it. Which newspapers, TV personalities, 'z-list celebs' cared about calling out this racist, homophobic, class driven crook? Nope they accused Corbyn of racism and posed for selfies with Boris Johnson.

Anyway I am so done with this subject I won't be replying. If you want to carry on a debate on this one I'm afraid I'm out.
Well you burned the crops and salted the earth on this particular subtopic- what more would there be to say?