How bad was the NFL's drug problem in the 70's and 80's

I got this in my mind because I am watching the MLB Congressional hearings right now on TV and the thought of that article came to mind way way back. Basically it was a huge expose on how the NFL and its drug problems in the 70's and early 80's. Cocaine, freebasing, amphetamines, my God did they not use?

but I want some feedback on this because the NFL after hearing about this report and the backlash that came with it, they did the right thing IMHO. they got a very strict drug testing policy that is not perfect, but is one of the best in American sports now and has been for the past 25 years.

I realize that Reese is not exactly a popular Saints player in its long history, but I did read a report in Jeff Duncan;s book and it really shocked the NFL into action.

Thinking of it now, that whole incident could have broken the NFL's credibility.
Could MLB follow their example now that the cat is out of the bag and their rep is being seriously damaged.