The Investment Thread

It got a lot of attention on wallstreet bets after it hit $6.30. At this price it met the 500 million marketcap requirement for that forum.

The bullish sentiment is that if/when Buy Buy Baby is spun off and gets valued at 1.5 billion. The current holders of BBBY will get the Buy Buy Baby shares when it IPOs.

The bearish sentiment is the previous management drive Bed Bath and Beyond into the gutter and the balance sheet is awful to put nicely.
No, this is a squeeze. The whole reason I bought the options was because the stock was dropping back to an all time low in the low $4 range. That is a perfect place for short sellers to close their short position because the downside reward becomes less than the upside risk and stocks tend to bounce off of terminal lows.

edit: Sorry, chart is in pesos for some reason but you get the point.
