China/Taiwan fight.

I have little love for the Chinese Communist Party (which is in no way Communist and would better be described as a business oligarchy) and am happy to condemn its dismal human rights record and its moral and political bankruptcy. However, it is completely ludicrous to pretend that China does not have a case for sovereignty over one of its own provinces. Taiwan is not after all an independent nation - it is essentially a breakaway province. Even the KMT who founded Taiwan in its modern state have never argued against this.

So does China have the right to rule its own province even if that province wants to break away? Well I imagine the US might want to have a say in Alaskan politics if it broke away from the republic.

What does amaze me is that other countries which do not have any territorial claims to Taiwan or China and which are geographically and culturally far removed from this region and dispute think they have the right to intervene militarily and provoke a major international war.

Now you can say 'we are the world's policeman' but that has no legal basis in international law. Who appointed you? Who are you answerable to? And on whose behalf do you govern?

And yes you can make a case on moral grounds that a democratic government has more moral validity than an unelected, unaccountable dictatorship but then you have to take a good look at the massive human rights abuses committed by the Nationalist Chinese in WW2, their collusion with Japanese forces guilty of massacres and ethnic cleansing all over China, and their ongoing military finances which were almost entirely driven in the early days by the illegal presence of their Narco army in the golden triangle (inside Burma and Thailand).

So it's hard to champion intervention from a moral position, international law, historical prerogative, or even geographical proximity. Leaving aside the 'ally' argument and whether a breakaway province can legally have an ally in international law (possibility) it comes down to the rather obvious factor that the US is not happy that it's strategic and business influence in the Far East and its massive intelligence gathering operations in Taiwan are under threat. But if we are going to fight a war on those grounds against a country which wants to take control of its own promise....just who is the invader?

Sorry, I will no doubt get flamed for this but these things are important to point out in a free society.