Brushing Teeth: Before or After Breakfast?

Same on the not eating breakfast.. but i always brush my teeth AFTER drinking coffee, since drinking coffee is the first thing i do .

Also, pro tip (literally, i worked in the Dental industry for a long time)- if you ever get that nasty taste in ur mouth when you drink orange juice after brushing your teeth (if you’re the kind of savage who brushes ur teeth before breakfast/coffee) - there is a simple fix.. switch to SLS-free toothpaste.. SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate) is the ingredient in toothpaste that makes it foamy.. it also promotes and worsens canker sores.. i am one of the 10-15% of the patient population who has suffered from canker sores since i was a kid, which makes it super painful to eat and talk.. ever since i switched to SLS -free toothpaste, i rarely get canker sores and if i do, theyre gone within a day or two.. it’s literally a game changer.. you wont notice the lack of foaminess after the first couple brushings, *and* SLS is also the ingredient that makes ur orange juice taste so nasty- so you wont get that after-effect anymore.. sorry about the dissertation, but the one i use is called ‘Verve’ and i get it off Amazon for like $8 a tube, and i love it .
Great tip!

I don't start drinking coffee until I get to the office, so I am not waiting until after coffee to brush my teeth.