China/Taiwan fight.

So with regards to your coming out paragraph, who gets to decide what Taiwan is/becomes? China or the Taiwanese people?

I mean i dont see where the KMT, in its current state ( modern ) argue for reunification ( or against ). They are playing both sides. Thats politics.

Every publication ive seen on this matter clearly states the Taiwanese want to become own country/democracy. KMT arent arguing against that either.

Taiwan per capita income is almost 3x that of China. ( $33,000 vs 12,000 ) - they do not wish to have that diluted by incoming Chinese labor. They look to maintain economic independence and wealth which leads to national security interests.

US as always championed burgeoning democracy. Does that make us the "world police"? Hardly. It does make us the defenders of democracy across the globe.

Who gets to decide what Taiwan is/becomes? China or the Taiwanese people?

Ideally a consensuse that represents the interests of both peoples and which can be achieved peacefully. Definitely not a foreign power.

US as always championed burgeoning democracy. Does that make us the "world police"? Hardly. It does make us the defenders of democracy across the globe.

The US champions the democracies it likes and destroys the democracies it does not.

Only a couple of years ago Bolivian democracy was crushed by a fascist coup which was backed by the US. Before that in 2009 the democratically elected president of Honduras was overthrown in another US backed coup because he wished to raise the minimum wage for the very poorest people.

There are literally scores of other examples. Here are just a few.

The only way it can be honestly be said that the US excellent record of supporting democracy if we define democracy as 'supporting right wing client regimes and brutal dictators who run death squads to terrify the public into submission'
Championing democracy means respecting results you don't like, protecting regimes in danger of being overthrown from military tyrants, not blockading the harbours of democratically elected governments with mines, and not turning a blind eye to drug trafficking by former members of a favoured regime's national guard units to pay for their terrorist cause and then calling them freedom fighters.....just saying