China/Taiwan fight.

No problem - everyone has the right to their opinion. I enjoy a debate with people because it's what opens our eyes to what is happening all over the world :)

The problem is nothing is ever as it seems. So take Hamas. Terrorist group and much despised by Israel....

Perfectly understandable until you discover that Israel helped the rise of Hamas. It did not actually create the movement as the headline below suggests but it was happy to see it attack Fatah when Fatah was considered a stronger enemy.

Trust me...ive always kept an open mind when it comes to geopolitical speak. 1) because im woefully immature when it comes to knowing the history behind a specific issue and 2) because while i know every intention starts out as a "good" intention, along the way, things get complicated ( especially in geopolitics )

you simply cant please everyone, ever time.

So my thoughts on it are that we back Taiwan as it seems its the popular thing ( amongst Taiwanese ) and coincides with our own US interests ( read-Natl Sec )