ESPN Early Mock Draft

It's all guess-work at this point, of course, but I think I would become a hater of the Bengals were they to nab Sedrick Ellis right in front of us as he predicts. However, if they do, I don't really think out FO would have such a knee-jerk reaction as to grab a guy who'll probably last until the second round.
If Ellis is grabbed up, I'm guessing the Saints would tap Phillips or Rivers, neither of whom do I expect to last anywhere near as long as this guy predicts...but again, it's way too early to tell that. Players will fly up and down the ratings board over the next two and half months.

EDIT: On another note, I did not realize Miami is now running a 3-4 scheme. They may well pass on Dorsey because of that, but I would sure rather see him in a Fins uniform than playing for the Rams or the Atlanta Roadkill, especially do I NOT want to see Atlanta get him. This is a stupid question (I'm currently hitting myself on the head for even asking it), but just how much would it cost to trade up to #2 or #3 to grab Dorsey and keep him from becoming a in conference rival?