Rep. Baker resigns, set to take job with those he regulated (Hedge Funds) the next day.

I think he is barred from directly lobbying Congress for 1 year, but that doesnt mean he can't take the job and do everything BUT directly lobby congress during that time. He's been there for more than 20 years - hard to blame the guy for cashing out, I guess, especially since the GOP is not likely to win back the House anytime soon. If anything, they're going to be even further in the minority for the foreseeable future. Hard to go from Committee Chairman to Second Banana.

Still, it's a really tough blow for the LA delegation.

And I agree about Mary. I really like John Kennedy, but until we're ready to stop asking for more Federal assistance, we can't afford to lose any more seniority. Especially with Vitter somewhat, uh, neutered.