Jordan Love vs Ian Book

Yes, but ideally you would hope your veterans would mentor the younger players. That's what being a good teammate is all about.

Have you watched our preseason games and seen our vets tutoring the younger guys on the sidelines? If Rodgers gets hurt and has to miss 5 weeks he shouldn't want the season to be derailed so his backup being competent works towards his own legacy. There's a reason we were so successful when Drew was out. Neither Teddy or Taysom are undefeated type of starters.

Veteran players giving pointers (which is not really tutoring) to rookie players on the sideline is great, but it is the coaches who are getting paid to develop the players; that is literally their job; it is not the starter QB's responsibility to make sure the backup QB is ready to play should he get hurt, it is the coaches' and the backup QB's responsibility to make sure the backup QB is ready, and getting pointers from the starter on the sideline is not going to cut it.