Weird Al Yankovic biopic

Considering this is Weird Al Yankovic and the banner for the film is "the unexaggerated true story about the greatest musician of our time," I think you can pretty much figure everything in it is satirical exaggeration and/or outright fiction.
Weird Al is all about the laughs, so one can expect his "biographical movie" is all about the laughs as well, not about the real story.

For example, I'm pretty certain he never had an alcohol addiction either as obviously is depicted in the trailer.
But when it comes to Madonna at that time, anything was
But just because Weird Al is all about the laughs, you never really know how people are behind the scenes, for exapmple Robin Wlliams. So it woudn't surprise me if he went through a drinking phase..

I have tickets to his concert in October in Laffayette. My sons likes Weird Al almost as much as i do. Looking forward to the concert and the movie..