What Song/Album Are You Listening To?

i started listening to polyphia a few years back, i love progressive metal, which kinda, sorta, they are, but also, i forgot about them, then my youtube recommendations, well, recommended them. i haven't heard anything of theirs since at least before covid, and jesus forking christ, i am ashamed. fork me. i can't play anything other than my own skin-flute to a fluctuating beat, but i am addicted. not just tim henson, but the four banger are all forking awesome. dude. insane. i've gone as far as watching too many breakdown videos of how they accomplish their sound.

over the past few weeks, i am now a superfan. holy fork. instrumental music at the peak of awesomeness. the insanity of the coordination required to complete these is jaw-dropping.

probably their most well known:

their (second to most popular) latest:

the most current video: