Rep. Baker resigns, set to take job with those he regulated (Hedge Funds) the next day.

I can blame him. I don't think he's any worse than anyone else, but I think it's pretty disgusting that most of these guys "retire" to jobs where they lobby for the industries they previously regulated (of course, there was no conflict of interest).

Serving in government is now less of a public service and more of an internship for a lobbying firm.

20 years is one hell of an internship.

As for the industry he went to work for, if he's not going to stay in Congress forever, then it makes sense to go to the industry you 're most familiar with. I guess he could always open a restaurant or start a publishing house or start over in some random industry, but if it were me, I'd be looking for a job in the industry where I had the most knowledge/interest/leverage, etc. :dunno: