- First scene trying to track Sauron in the mountains. I thought it was either going to be something like the entire party except Galadriel gets wiped out in a surprise attack or Galadriel would have relented for some reason. A soft coup was something I didn't really expect.
- Was surprised that Galadriel didn't just straight up refuse the King's offer to go the Undying Lands.
- I'm was assuming once you go to the Undying Lands, you can't comeback although it was always in the back of my mind it might be possible (ala Gandalf), and I didn't quite expect Galadriel to Leroy Jenkins right off the boat, I thought there was going to be some weird divine intervention type of deal.
- And then once she did, I so thought the Eagles were going to show up to pull Galadriel out of the ocean. But I think the internet would have had a coronary if that happened.
- I'm assuming that meteor man is Gandalf, although it does seem a bit early for him - I thought he didn't arrive until the Third Age, and we're still pretty firmly in the Second Age, they haven't even mentioned Numenor yet unless they play on retconning it out of the canon (which would really suck, its mentioned at least once in the LOTR movies). Whoever he is they are definitely slow rolling his character.