Lord of the Rings Series -- Amazon

Side note - it should be amusing to people that I'm arguing about holding on to a story from my past, and one of Tolkien's central themes is passage of time, death and change, and the damage that can occur when you try to hold onto something too tightly and not allow it to fade and be replaced with something new.
Also well said
Fiction is not history - the LotR books are on historical record of Tolkien’s writing of the time, but they are not a history of middle earth
And many would agree that he was writing an allegory even though he was vociferous about not writing an allegory (probably bc as a devout Catholic he did not want to seem like he was alluding to Christian faith, even though…)
And while we share ManU of the issues Europe faced between the wars, we have other concerns as well
He also seemed to share his time’s and class’s issue with race and gender and there’s really no compelling reason to port those views forward 100 years