Lord of the Rings Series -- Amazon

ugh. sooooooo much hope, faith, wanting to be good, i don't know what has failed me the most. oh yeah. i tried to watch again, and.. well, the fact that a tree trunk can act better than the actors standing still, for every forking scene, is off-putting.

at least for a tree trunk, eventually their bark starts to fall off, which is infinitely more entertaining than watching the quest for motionless capturing. yeah, action-less still framing to da extremez.

seriously, if you aren't going to move, or show any sign of, uh.. being alive? at least flail around. it would be better for the weak plot than scarecrow'in.

y'all need to quit complaining about the canon and start to wonder where the fork the shows budget was actually focused on, which is rhetorical because it is obviously the scene 'spice'. yes, i mean big budget hills and sheet.

i'll be honest, the story has had zero impact on this. i don't know wtf is going on other than "what the fork is this?" moments.

fork it. i tried twice. too many jokes to insert. i'd still like to hear them.