Official Wrasslin' Thread (renamed to reflect the discussion)

It shouldn't be hard...


"I told you what I was going to do, smash them and trash them. I've beaten everyone. There's no one left. I don't need these belts, Wise Man. God mode? No. In this sport, I am God."

Drops the belts and walks out of the ring.

You're welcome
(awaits royalty check)
While I don't think it totally fits the character, this would make enough sense to work for me. Then they can separate the titles again, which is something they absolutely have to do.

I really think the plan was to have Cody win MitB and cash in at Summerfest, or at least Survivor Series. Now things are in a holding pattern. However, I would much rather them keep the titles on Roman while they figure it out rather than just having him drop them just to drop them. However, I also agree that IF they can get Dwayne at WM, they need those titles off of Reigns. It needs to be a story about the family.