PSA - get your colonoscopy

My Dr wants me to get it every three years. The reasons are he removed a polyp on the first one and I have a family
history of cancer.

Bottom line. Talk to your DR. and get it done please.
Family history is what's got you on a more frequent schedule.

A lot of people don't get the procedure because of what the procedure entails, but whatever shame one may feel, is a very small price to pay for preventing a horrible way to go that will take a great toll from your loved ones.

I think I got lucky. I was heavy into lifting weights, which unbeknownst to me, gave me a couple hemorrhoids. One day, one burst, and it was like I had a period. Doctor said I should get a colonoscopy anyway just to make sure, and lo and behold, polyp. I was 29-30 at the time.