PSA - get your colonoscopy

i just had my first one last november. i was nervous and am a big worry wart with all medical things lol. i had two removed and no doubt glad i had it done. i tell friends all the time to get it done. after laying there waiting to go in, seeing the posters of what could happen if you don't , i said roll me in.

i took the mix with lemon lime gatorade and wasn't that bad. i woke up towards the end and it was actually not bad. nurse turned up the sleep med and it felt like i was out for 30 minutes though she said it was like 2 minutes cause the doctor was almost done lol.

schedule one today if you haven't, as been said from others, the 20 minutes or so could be a life saver.
Good luck and let's us all be in good health fellow WhoDats !!