[Bumped to discuss resulting legal actions] Elementary school shooting in Connecticut. (Edit/Update - 26 reported killed, many of them children)

From the post above -
“I questioned it just like Jussie Smollett, just like WMDs in Iraq, just like the Gulf of Tonkin. There have been a lot of staged events in history, like WMDs in Iraq, and I question every major event that we see, and so I'm being put in an impossible position inside of this courthouse where I'm being ordered to say I'm guilty,”

The best part is where Jones names the three things he wasn’t 100% wrong about. Not right mind you.

Of course he fails to mention: he’s one of the loudest 9/11 Truthers, The Boston Marathon bombing was a hoax, the government is turning frogs gay and, my personal favorite that W. and a bunch of other government types were into murdering virgins and drinking their blood at something called Bohemian Grove.

The guy is a short, fat stain on the world.
The frog things is true