the worst you've ever been hurt
I must have been inbetween 5-8 years old when this happened. I was walking to Cleary playground and decided to walk on the cement parking bumper things that would be in front of the car when you park. I fell and hit my chin right on it. Had to get stitches. Don't remember the pain, but I do remember bleeding and screaming like hell. My mom heard me from over a block away and was outside waiting for me. One of my older brothers was with me at the time. 5-7 years later i was playing with a Mardi Gras foam football inside. You know the one I'm talking about, no bigger than your hand. Well I used to love acting like I'm kicking field goals inside. Well I lined up this long field goal right next to the corner edge of a huge piece of furniture. I kicked the ball as hard as I could and my little toe went right into the furniture. It took about 1-2 minutes before it started bleeding. Whenever I make a "fist" with my toes on that foot, the little toe doesn't move down, it continues pointing straight out.