AwwwwHere's a good thing. This dog is being named after my nephew. First one I've heard of, but apparently he's had some babies named after him.
I wanted to "share" this from Face book but I can't do it directly from Leashes of Valor, so I copied and pasted from the friend's page where I saw it:
"Welcome to the Darkhorse Family, Leashes of Valor Donnelly! Donnelly will be raised to be a service Dog for a veteran. The Official Name announcement from LOV to come soon. This Boy is named after 1st Lieutenant William James Donnelly IV of Kilo Company 3/5 KIA November 25 2010. You have a lot of support behind you. (Note: I am not raising him one of Leashes of Valor’s Experienced puppy raisers will be raising him on the East Coast)"