James Webb Space Telescope

Our concept of life is very limited.
Absolutley, life evolved on this planet, in line with the conditions of this planet. What we see as necessary is only because of our perspective.


Carbon is great as a primary component of life,but it is not the only common/reactive element that could fill that purpose.

So many of our assumptions are based on C,H,N,O life and a range of temperatures.

Water would seem to be necessary given CHNO chemistry and it being liquid in the temperature range required... but change the building blocks or the temperature range and other liquids can fill in.

We have shown that the makeup of DNA can have subistituted chemicals vs our expectations, our cellular resperation producing adenosine triphosphate is not the only biological chemical reaction that could produce a compound providing energy for life, not by far.

All of the above assumes life is terrestial, with a cellular base, and a single physical "body" containing it. None of which are assumptions we can take for granted IMO.