In defense of Allen (gulp)

Good Lord. We got a ton of "Sky is Falling" fans but I've been around long enough to see the same ones call for Payton's head in Week 5 of rough seasons then are ready to build him a golden statue by week 16.

Good post OP. We'll be fine.
Maybe a rough year will clear the trolls and fair weather and band wagoners out of here. Especially the ones who followed Winston over and aren't really Saints fans. If Winston went away so would they. It's bad enough that they only care about JW but they incessantly have to trash any player who competes with him and any post praising any other QB. They wore the clown emoji down till it died. They're relentless.

Not that I want Winston to go. I still want to see what he can do when he's healthy. And far as firing a new coach after 6 games, that's just pure stupidity. But stupid is as stupid does.