Huckabee broke, pulls out of Florida, can't afford media travel

Conservatives didn't deliver Iowa for Huck, religious nuts did and they are mostly lefty anyway. If the foolish Dems would embrace a pro-life, pro-religion stance they would never lose an election.

For the record I'm pro-life but I have big problems with most protestant religions and Islam.

I like the FairTax but I don't think Huck is serious about that.

You are probably right about the Democrats, but they are owned by the pro choice wacks and hollywood and are a tick away from being Socialists. Democrats from 30 years ago would be Republicans today.

As for Huck, pulling out of Florida makes sense. He can't win it and it's a winner take all state. Why not pull out and focus on Super Tuesday? That said, this signals the beginning of the end. He may actually be a force years from now...but not now.

McCain will win the nomination and win over enough of the conservative wing of the party to defeat Hillary. As for beating Obama, not so sure.