Janitor dips genitals in water bottle, gives woman STD

Genuine question: what std can be transmitted this way? The only thing I can think of is if he has herpes that got on the part of the bottle she was drinking with and she basically got mouth herpes. But is even that possible?
She said “for the rest of her life,” which implies that this is a viral, not bacterial or protozoan infection. So that rules out syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, yeast infections, trichomoniasis, etc.

Leaves HIV (probably not, and would potentially carry an attempted murder charge if it were), Hep B (definitely possible), Hep C (unlikely as there’s no discussion of blood), HPV (definitely possible, but perhaps a conversation about potential cancer would have been mentioned), and herpes (definitely possible).

And we’re not just taking her at face value—there’s video of the act and they both tested positive for the same STD. That’s about as good a case as you can make.