Janitor dips genitals in water bottle, gives woman STD

can an STD be transmitted that way?

It’s really a medical question - were we litigating this as a legal case it would require expert testimony.
Well, yes. You would want an expert to say "Absolutely" instead of @brandon8283's less dependable browsing-a-football-forum-while-at-work testimony, but I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to come by.

While there's probably very little precedent for making sweet love to a Dasani as a route of transmission, I'm sure an expert would be happy to make the case that surfaces exposed to genitals are temporarily infectious for certain STDs, and if those surfaces came in contact with someone's mouth within a reasonable amount of time, then yes, transmission would absolutely be possible.

Your link to "sharing a water bottle" with someone is obviously not the same thing as sharing a water bottle with someone's dick.

One is that they had sex and the other is that it’s coincidence (I suppose modern lab analysis can probably connect two infections by specific strain/genome if that was done but that’s probably expensive).
Yea. Court cases are expensive, man. Have you checked with your secretary about how much you're billing people these days? Jesus Christ man these liberal elites are out of touch.