Serious rebuttal: there’s obviously precedent for charging assault with a deadly weapon and/or attempted murder for STDs.
Is putting your dick in someone’s water bottle an assault on its own? The “indecent assault” charge tends to imply that the prosecutor believes so.
If it’s an assault, and an STD-infected penis is a deadly weapon when used in the context of sexual acts, then it’s assault with a deadly weapon.
The intent or lack of intent to give an STD is irrelevant, just like if a mugger with a knife never actually intended to stab his victim and the knife was all for show. It’s still an assault with a deadly weapon.
Or perhaps if the mugger had a gun in his waistband and merely opened his jacket to reveal it. Didn’t even put his hands on it. Can he kill someone just by showing he has a gun? No, but it’s still assault with a deadly weapon.