Self Checkout
or $1000 worth
Michigan woman has been arrested after she allegedly stole several items after not scanning them at a
Walmart self-checkout station.
TeddyJo Marie Fliam, 34, is now looking at prison time after she failed to scan all of the items at self-checkout that she picked up in the store. The incident took place at a Walmart located in Alpine County, where loss prevention saw Fliam noticed she wasn’t scanning each item. When security confronted her, she grew upset, denied that she wasn’t scanning every item, and ended up leaving.
After leaving, the security team checked surveillance footage which showed the woman was able to make it out of the store with more than $1,000 worth of items by not scanning all of them. And she hadn’t been scanning all of the items during her visits at the location since April of this year, NDTV reports.
She was arrested on September 29 and is now facing first-degree retail fraud charges..........