I think retirement is a pipe dream...

The interview said that statistics show the median savings for Baby Boomers is $150k. If that's the criteria, then yeah I don't see how anyone can retire without living very meagerly, mostly surviving on their monthly social security stipend.

Retirement in some form was always part of our plan, and we started saving early with the mindset that it's all on us; that social security won't be around, or the distribution will be lower than projected. The plan is to retire in 10-11 years, but "retire" may simply mean "no longer working full-time because I have to". I think I'll get bored and don't really have any hobbies to occupy my interest.
That would be more than my parents saved, but they're actually pretty comfortable.

I think they had about 60-80k saved. But, mom has two pension's, and they both have SS, and a small cottage they rent out for income. She also works PT, like I said before.

it all depends on where you live. She didn't even take distributions until they forced her, since she's 74.