On this day in 1966 our beloved Saints were born...

I believe all the negotiations took place at the Ponchartrain hotel on St Charles Ave. Me & Alex [RIP] stayed there on the first Hammer & Nails project
Most Saints fans should probably thank Hale Boggs, Sen. Russell Long for their diligent, hard-fought, shrewd and in a good way, hard-ball negotiations tactics in convincing a skeptical, perhaps unwary Pete Rozelle of putting two, new NFL expansion franchises in what was then kind of undiscovered territory, NFL teams in the Deep South. Up until the mid-60's, both the NFL and the AFL had mostly avoided expansion into the Deep South due to socio-political issues like the nasty political and physical war against segregation, perception that the Deep South wasnt supportive of corporate NFL teams and more of NCAAF diehard-dominated. territory, which in many respects it still is. The closest proximity the NFL had in terms of teams to the South were the Redskins and the old, Baltimore Colts.

If Boggs and Sen. Russell Long don't play their game of political hardball, insisting on an expansion NFL franchise in New Orleans as the price for Rozelle, NFL and AFL owners merging to form a super-league with a major anti-trust exemption in 1966, a decision that made most NFL/AFL owners near-billionaires overnight.