The Investment Thread

It's too late for that. META's future is all in on the metaverse. They let Facebook start to look old and uncool to the younger generations and turning that around would be next to impossible. What I would do if I were them is pay the top 100 creators on TikTok to exclusively post of Facebook but once they do that it will open pandora's box for the social media companies and it's going to take some really heavyweight contracts to pull the top 20. Right now Social Media companies are like NFL franchises in the 30's. Sooner or later the players are going to realize that nobody is coming to watch Zuckerberg play and start demanding money. That is ultimately where social media will head.
I agree on META. Another point made in those articles was that FB has a pretty dismal record against other offerings when they try to compete directly such as their failed tiktok app.

Given that recent record with direct competition and the lack of enthusiam for META, it doesn't look to promising for their future. All of that might change, but FB has a bad rep with young folks because it's a 'boomer' site from what I've read.