Michael Thomas likes Nader's Tweet on the Saints Medical Staff

It doesn’t matter if the medical staff, the coaching staff, or anyone else with the organization is straight trash, you just don’t do this kind of stuff. It’s the prime example of the dysfunction that is within this organization right now. Express stuff in house, this immature BS is such a joke.
Normally I would agree with you 100%. However, we have this season reached an entirely new level of incompetence. We can't know Thomas' exact situation and the advice he was given but here is my issue we have had many players out and missing over 4 weeks. Yet we have put almost no one on the IR list. This is wasted roster spots and also it sends the vibe that we don't know what we are doing. I get the vibe they just take it day to day and assume a player is going to play unless he can't play. It is wasteful on roster spots but it also has to put tremendous pressure on players to get better/play maybe before they are ready.

So when Mike Thomas likes a tweet saying our medical staff stinks I kind of think he is just saying something the rest of us already know.