Lord of the Rings Series -- Amazon

They (the creators) literally did a massive magazine hitpiece on their critics the day after the finale. They're still running damage control to this day. Your "complaints from a youtuber" comment sounds exactly like what these hacks are saying after getting criticism. Do better.

Amazon had a superfan segment prior to the show coming out that almost exclusively discussed representation. Even more humorously, one of the superfans hadn't watched it, and instead raved about HoTD.

Whether your enjoy the show or not, you simply can't deny the showrunners and actors planted seeds of discontent that A) provided more ammunition for the critics and B) screamed, this show is going to be terrible well before a single episode ran.

I haven't read any of amazon's hitbacks. I read the article that someone posted on here and it read like incel trash. That isn't criticism, it's misogyny and racism. I'm seeing some of the same things here and it's disappointing.

I like LoTR, though i don't like it as much as some people here. I think overall the season was enjoyable and pretty, but boring at a lot of points. i also think a lot of the acting was meh. But, i also think LOTR writing is going to suffer in the new GOT environment, which I think is written much more for adults with a grittier realism (for the most part)