Best options for the impending recession?

I stumbled over this article while trying to find a place to buy. I read about Tellurium the first time in 2000. A friend of mine bought a storage unit at an auction and had 14lbs of this stuff. I looked it up on the internet and the price was going between 10-15 a lb. He ended up selling it to a coin dealer in Jackson for a couple hundred bucks.

I read about it again in 2003 when one windshield repair supply place started selling drill bits with tellurium in them. The drill bits sucked and the company later went out of business. I really got interested in the stuff towards the end of 2006. I read an article about it and wanted to buy a pound to just sit on. I checked around and couldn't find anywhere to buy it and it got filed away to the back of my brain until the metal came up again last summer when I read about several new uses for it. I know it is on the brink of just exploding and I still can't find anywhere to buy it at decent prices. There is some on ebay but it is $110 for a couple grams and the I'm reading that $200 a lb is the most that should be paid for it but NOBODY will give up their source. I'm starting to wonder if the people that are claiming to have bought it are just full of crap.

If anyone finds a place to buy Tellurium then please let me know.