House of the Dragon teaser trailer (GoT prequel)

My daughter was home for Thanksgiving and she has just started watching Game of Thrones - I had the true pleasure of being in the room with her when she watched the Red Wedding for the first time. :oops: It took her a few minutes to collect herself LOL.

Anyway watching a bunch of GOT episodes for the first time since the finale reminded me how much *fun* that show was - I think that's what missing from HOTD. GOT had equally dark material but it never felt like homework the way HOTD does. Hopefully season 2 picks up a little momentum once the war gets cranked up.
your last 2 sentences seem contradictory :unsure:

anyway, i'm not sure what benefit there is to compare stories like this (whether in or out of IP)
1st 4-5 seasons of GoT were great but not always perfect
1st season of HotD was near flawless but not as far flung as GoT -- so what? why would we want them to be more similar?
why compare Beethoven's 5th symphony to the 9th?

I know Ahsoka will be compare to Andor and it shouldn't be

there was no benefit to comparing Better Call Saul to Breaking Bad - both were great - no benefit to them being more similar or more different

it makes even less sense across IP - i'm pretty sure a main reason RoP didn't get more support is people were comparing it to HotD - 1st few episodes were fairly well received. then it just happened that they're meh episodes happened at the same time HotD started. then the narrative got set for RoP. people didn't notice that the end of the season got much better a lot bc it 'wasn't as good as' HotD
so what?
why not 2 good to great genre shows vs 1 great one?

making the perfect be the enemy of the good is seldom good policy