COVID-19 Outbreak Information Updates (Reboot) [over 150.000,000 US cases (est.), 6,422,520 US hospitilizations, 1,148,691 US deaths.]

Covid-19 put life on hold for Dub Crochet.

The Bellaire, Tex., man had contracted a bad case of the coronavirus in August 2021 before being confined to a hospital for months — keeping him from enjoying milestones and holidays.

He missed the birth of his new grandson. He wasn’t home to host Thanksgiving dinner last year. Nor was he out of the hospital in time to celebrate his 70th birthday.
Most of his doctors were not optimistic that he’d be able to leave the hospital at all. And if he did, doctors told Crochet’s wife, he would probably be in a vegetative state.

But after 453 days in the hospital recovering from the virus and an array of complications, Crochet rolled out of the facility in a wheelchair to the cheers of doctors and nurses on time to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas at home for the first time in over a year.

“It was tough for me lying there during Thanksgiving [and] during Christmas because I’m a big holiday person,” Crochet told The Washington Post. “To miss that was tough.”

Crochet headed home in a new phase of the pandemic when, for the first time in the United States, more people who have received at least the primary series of a coronavirus vaccine are dying of covid-19 than those who have not, according to an analysis conducted for The Post’s Health 202 by Cynthia Cox, vice president of the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Fifty-eight percent of coronavirus deaths in August were people who were vaccinated or boosted, the analysis showed.

Although the unvaccinated still have a higher chance of dying of covid-19, the disease can kill vaccinated people because the preventive medicine’s efficacy eases over time. U.S. health officials have urged people to keep their vaccinations current by getting booster shots.

Crochet, who did not have preexisting conditions and was fully vaccinated at the time, tested positive in August 2021, his wife, Rachel Crochet, told The Post. A visit to an urgent care center to treat Crochet’s fever and dropping oxygen levels turned into a stay in the hospital’s ICU. He was placed on a ventilator four days later…….