Manning Center of attention - too bad it's Archie

I like Archie, he is a good guy. I didnt think Archie was upstaging Eli at all and I am sure Eli was happy to have his dad there. I thought the article was kind of harsh.

The one question it did bring to mind for me is whether the "team" is okay with the special treatment Archie, and therefore Eli, might seem to get.

The giants have 50 players. It was a huge moment for all of the players and all of their families. Do all of the players get to have their dads come hang out in the locker room after the game?

The article seemed to imply some of the players were resentful of Archie being in the locker room and him being the story. Burress in particular had a big game and Eli got about ten times more media attention. Now that would have happened whether Archie went to the lockers or not and Burress may have resented that anyway, I do not know.

But I can see if one or more players were resentful of Eli getting too much attention how they might not like Archie being there. Now I agree getting resentful because the qb gets attention is a waste of energy, thats life in football. But I do think the article raises a question if it turns out parents are not allowed in locker rooms but somehow Archie gets preferential treatment.

One might argue if Archie does get special treatment its because he deserves it as the most famous football dad in the world. Its still an issue with two sides.

I say he was in the locker room not because Eli invited him in, but probably the owner. Archie was probably outside waiting for Eli to come out, and someone saw him, told the owner, or Coughlin, and they went and got him.

The thing is, Eli was looking for his family, it was on tv, he could not find them, and went on to the locker room for the ceremony. That was all on tv. We saw the ceremony. Archie was not in there then; I did not see him on tv. The ceremony happened so quick after the game, Archie hardly had time to get down from that suite he was in. I believe he was hanging around and someone brought him in. What is wrong with that? He is the qb's father, for goodness sake, and everybody knows and likes Archie but low-lifers!