Deshaun Watson returns to Browns

My mom was raped on her 15th birthday and I am the product of that rape. My grandmother (teacher) worked under his mom (school board) and she used her position of authority with the assistance of lawyers to blackmail my grandparents into not saying anything allowing this predator to join the Navy. He then went on to father my half-sister who he later molested when she was an infant. When my half-sister found me 10 years ago when she was 20 y/o and I told my mom, I could tell it all came back to her from what that monster did. So, will I change my stance on Watson, absolutely not. He is a predator that used his money/influence to harass/assault these women. If it was 1 of the 20+, it was still too many and people celebrate this scumbag like he's something special. I just wonder how many he took advantage of when he was QB1 in HS and college. He'll also continue since he knows how to get away with it.
Man that’s quite a story. I hope this man was dropped off mid Atlantic with an anchor around his ankles. I hate pedophiles more than rapists. They all deserve death and castration as far as I am concerned.