Deshaun Watson returns to Browns

I side with truth. That's the point you keep missing. If you can share one ounce of truth that he is guilty then I'll understand your position. But you can't because there hasn't been any. Two grand juries determined that as well, yet you feel otherwise. Do you know something they don't?

I love women. My mom and wife are my two favorite people on this earth. They are polar opposites of men and help bring balance to mankind. But I'm also not oblivious to the fact that there are women, and people in general, who will lie for financial gain. You can't deny that either. That's a factual statement and it's something I have seen with my own two eyes.

So while I may love women, I do not have on rose colored glasses when discussing them and what they are capable of doing. There are women who voluntarily sell their bodies for money whether it's prostitution, pornography, or simply by having babies for or marrying rich men that they don't love because he is wealthy. All for the mighty dollar.

The evil that exists in this world lives in the hearts of men and women. They are not exceptions to the rule. So when they make claims they are under the same burden of proof as anyone else. So once again, share with me the proof you have in this case that Deshaun Watson is guilty without a doubt and I'll side with you. But if all you have is the words of women who have accepted money as compensation then I personally feel you either don't require proof to believe things or you just want to feel that way.

In my opinion, Buzbee went to social media to drum up as many as he could just like they do with class action lawsuits. "Have you or a loved one used Johnson and Johnson powder or drank the water at Camp Lejeune?" Seen those commercials lately? They are money grabs and by promoting it people will come out of the woodworks trying to see if they can jump in and get a quick buck. The more they get to join in, the bigger the payday for the attorneys. And we already know how sleezy attorneys can be. Many of them are professional liars.
Egads man
Your post is…troubling