Corona Drinking Thread (renamed)

It is in the 2C family, it is probably my favorite thing. Kindof half MDMA Empathy and euphoria, with LSD type visuals. Typically color enhancement, breathing, after images, melting, and drifting. It has the energetic, "bright" feel of both. Unlike LSD you can pull yourself together if something comes up and "adult" if you focus and unlike MDMA it does not have the high dose neurotoxic potential or the depletion of neuroconnective chemicals with prolonged/repetitive use over a short time.

It has about a 36hr tolerance reset, lacks cross tolerance with other psychadelics too. It is effectivley un-overdosable... though several derivitives/analogues that are sold under its name are.

Shulgin synthesized a lot of substances... and he had a list of his favorite that I want to try. Like DOM.


Full list of substances:

List of effects, clicking the link will take you a page that will have a section with substances that cause the effect:

Book reccomendation:
One of my most favorite tabs was a pink christmas tree. It was trippy. I went fishing in Grand Isle on it and I mean driving there and back. We bought some dry ice cuz trolling for the beer and it was awesome.