World Cup 2022 - Qatar (with SR Pick'Em league)

I don’t understand why we were both the youngest squad and why we got gassed so early
I know a lot of our squad wasn’t match fit
And our shallow bench did not help
But still

I guess it was the full throttle play that did us - UK and Holland knowing how to throttle up and down was evident

Marsch wouldn’t really help in the regard bc I’m not sure if he knows there are lower gears
I'm just assuming here, but "moment" played a role. Lots of adrenaline flowing at the start. Managing that is tough. It will exhaust you quick if not managed properly.

The other aspect was our passing was not crisp. Too many times moving forward a ball was behind a player causing him to not only stop forward but a step back to get. This breaks momentum and allows defenders to get set or attack.

Wrong day to have off day both fitness and focus wise.