World Cup 2022 - Qatar (with SR Pick'Em league)

Ultimately it’s a complicated call with greggg - can’t even really say he got out coached by van Gaal bc vG hardly did any (in match) coaching- he wound his toys and set them on the pitch
If anything greggg out coaches himself - he stuck with what brought him here (even doubled down on it with Zimm and Jesus) and not adapting to what he’d actually said about Group and Knockout being two different tournaments
But he’s never coached at this level so I’m not sure we should be surprised he coached the team like he always did
We also have no idea if the other options would work either
I wanted Reyna/Weah in attack and CCV in the back - in theory I think that works better, but who’s to say?
It might have made van Gaal coach, and his experience probably would have won

A ‘been there/done that’ coach makes the most sense, but how many of those are sitting by the phone? The risk of getting a Jose Mourihno whose star is rapidly fading is troubling
otoh, I thought Canada's coach - ‘up n comer’ - really had them in a great place, but oof did they hugely disappoint

I desperately hope USMNT makes the best choice for the team (without getting bogged down in domestic politics), but I wouldn’t put money on it